Friday 20 April 2012


This is The Asylum produced by Andrew Geraci and Drew Breese at and
Its a film made out of nearly 35,000 still photographs and took nearly 7months to create.

Words taken from vimeo:

"Opened in the early 1920s, the Asylum closed down and was abandoned decades ago. Rooms remain untouched – left as they were when the last of the employees departed. These buildings stand as a testament to the horrors and miss treatment that patients had to endure during the time of its operation.
Our 7 month journey into the Asylum led us on many adventures; from dodging security vehicles, ghostly figures and even a meth head. This is no place for the faint of heart. Asbestos blanketed every room we entered like new winter snow, so shooting was sometimes difficult."

Stunning albeit unsettling. 
View here:

Here's some stills of it to give you an idea

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